Inventions Needed
Hello, I started this blog as a prod to create inventions this country needs for the betterment of its future. For a complete description copy and paste link below into browser bar, or work your way back via the past postings.
Friday, August 19, 2022
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Pickup Truck Bed Cover Invention 08 19 2022
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
A Speaker with a Rotating Cone
It might lend a more dynamic or natural sound to music?
Why? Perhaps it has to do with gravity and the coriolis force.
If the sound is emitted in the same direction as the coriolis force would effect it. Which would lend for a speaker cone that rotates counterclockwise as you are looking at the opening.
© 2021 Thomas Murphy
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
How to make a better locking pliers 10 5 2021
I would use the same type of heat treated metal but:
1. I would make the pivot abutment surface areas larger.
2. I would Mill the metal rather than wrap it.
3. I would use more metal at lateral straying areas.
And with that you would have what the pliers were meant to be.
Thomas Paul Murphy
Monday, July 26, 2021
Weight Lifting Hat 07 26 2021
Weight Lifting Hat 07 26 2021
I have to wonder if anyone has designed a weight lifting hat? I mean one with a spike/rod on the top of it where you can add weights to it there?
What is the purpose of such a thing?
If you have a bulging/slipped disk in your back you will find that you can't do any squats anymore with weight. But what if that weight was directly aligned on the top of your head? It might be of at least two benefits?
1. Weight distribution across a longer area of your spinal column?
2. Alignment of the spine to the base of the neck better because those upper muscles are being facilitated. Leading to better posture and balance and strength? Think of the muscles along the entire spinal column being strengthened at once. Rather than those below the shoulders.
Perhaps when the spinal column decompresses it is more of a unified decompression and therefore more beneficial?
And I am not talking about a lot of weight either.
I would indeed look like one of those spiked helmets of war. However it would likely have a 1" solid pole sticking up? With the ability to peg/key lock the weights on the helmet so that they don't fall on your toes or break up the floor.
I find none with a brief internet search. However I might search a little more.
© 2021 Thomas Murphy
Monday, May 24, 2021
Invention Needed: Mechanics Platform 5 24 2021
Engines today are made transverse sometimes, if a "V" model. Although I notice there are fewer of these being built new.
A problem arises when working in the back of such engines. I have found it causes a lot of knee problems due to the hyperextension required. As well as back pain from having to maintain a lean over of the upper body while maintaining precision manual dexterity.
And this is from my memory of decades ago.
What would be helpful would be a steel solid platform that extends over the engine compartment that the mechanic can lay on.
Right away I can hear the D Advocate chiming in, we don't want people laying down on the job. And what is a mechanics creeper?
Working from underneath a raised car? Plenty of rust and dirt falling in the eyes.
The platform would be helpful. But most garages wouldn't have room.
Too specialized equipment? I have seen light bulbs being changed with aerial lifts whereby a person of sound mind could have safely foot a ladder.
© 2021 Thomas Murphy
(I don't see how our economy survives the reduced skillsets.)
Saturday, December 26, 2020
A WALL WART 12 26 2020
A WALL WART 12 26 2020
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
The Convertible Casting/Spinning Rod 12 16 2020
The Convertible Casting/Spinning Rod 12 16 2020
I am going to be brief on this one. I never thought it could be done; but now I know that it can! The reason that I thought that it couldn't be done is because the spine of the rod has to be orientated with the real seat and guides. The rod bends the same way whether you have a casting or spinning rod when you have a fish on; down! The spine of rod blank before the rod is made is the way that the rod naturally bends! It will always bend the exact same way! In other words you determine how it bends by allowing the butt of the rod to spin freely on a surface and you put one hand in the middle and one at the top and give it a little bend. (not too much that you break the tip or anything like that) Then when building a rod you put a little piece of tape on the butt of the blank as to where the rod is bending. Do the test again and that tape will always be in the same place when the blank it bent!
The rod bends the same way with fish on it, down. Spinning guides are on the bottom side of the spine and when a casting rod is made the guides are placed on the top of the spine. So that is the problem. You can't just turn a casting rod upside down and use it as a spinning rod because the rod is bending against the spine and it break! Same goes or spinning rod.
So you have to be creative to solve this problem.
The real seat issue is easy. You just make a double real seat that will attach a real to the top or bottom. And one whereby the finger rest for the casting rod can be removed so it can be like a spinning reel seat. This has already been done in the reel seat business. There is one something like that. But it isn't for that purpose.
So what about the guides? Here is how the problem is solved. You need a two piece guide system. Part I. One that amounts to a mounting part of the guide which would be wrapped to the rod as usual. But it does not have the rings for the line on it. Instead it is designed so that the ring part of the guide can be temporarily permanently locked into place! Whalla! And on either side. Part II The ring part of the guide can be double footed for casting or long footed for spinning and fit into either the top or bottom of part 1. There are many current technologies that could be used to lock that ring part onto part one temporarily permanently.
What would be great about these new guides would be that you would never have to worry about getting up North to a fishing hole and finding one of the ceramic rings on one of your guides is cracked, rendering the rod useless then because that sharp crack will break your line, when you have a fish one!!!
Just snap or pop in a new guide! Have a few spares with you!
Copyright 2020 Thomas Murphy
Yep I do believe I thought of it first.
Easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than for a good man to make money from the inventions of his own human mind.
A little more on the two piece design. So part one would fit on the rod with a receptacle for the ring part of the guide on the top or bottom. Part 2 could have a circle that fits over the tip of the rod with the other guides removed and is moved down the rod until it reaches its receptacle and snaps in that way. Or it could be designed so that it doesn't have to go through that process. The receptacle could look something like a reel seat. A reel seat can be said to have two "hoods" that the foot of the reel fits into. Part 1 the Receptacle could have four hoods. Two on top two on bottom. It could also be designed so that a spacer is placed in the receptacle between the two unused hoods so as to accommodate for increased strength/less wobble. The receptacle itself could have one double hood that screw locks the guide in place. But that isn't the way I initially envisioned it. Something a lot simpler than that would work. Perhaps the feet of the guide have a notch system. Perhaps there is a spring loaded "key." Anyhow it isn't too hard to figure out. A spring loaded collar on part 1 receptacle that fits over a key footed guide and locks in place. Backwards or perhaps forward pressure releases the spring loading. Or it could be a tolerance tensioning system. Might even use an o-ring. With time perhaps the initial system could be perfected to be lighter and stronger.
Could you imagine buying a fishing rod blank with the guides already located in place? But it could still be either spinning or casting? Might take rod building to a whole new level, more widespread?
And it could be done!
Another advantage would be that...sometimes one worries how a fishing rod was initially made? Was that guide that was wrapped on there very sharp on the lower side? Whereby it eats into the rod over time and causes premature failure? Was there a downward bur on the end of it that facilitates the same. With this system that concern would be lessened. The guide wouldn't be free floating per say (part2) But part one would be established in such a way as to make that issue nonexistent.
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
I want a guitar potentiometer with threaded grounded post protruding out the dome of it. 12 15 2020
I want a guitar potentiometer with threaded grounded post protruding out the dome of it. 12 15 2020
No I don't want to do all that evil soldering to the back of the potentiometer.
No I don't want to pry the tiny fingers of the potentiometer dome away. Drill a hole through the back of it and put the machine screw through and then put it back in place and pry the fingers back the way they should be without breaking them.
I want one made that way.
Now it isn't too bad putting the wires in those tiny holes, bending them about so they stay there while you add the solder. But the back of the potentiometer, don't like soldering there.
No I am not going to solder indoors. And you can't solder in winter weather with any good results!
So there ought to be an easier way to do this.
Perhaps it could be a wire insert pocket on the top of the potentiometer. Whereby you put the wire in there. (Like a turret on a tank. Remove the barrel and that is where you put the wire in. If you can visualize things like that easily from an engineering framework of mind. If not you want to label anyone who talks in engineering terms as mentally ill? Oh baby. And there went America down the tubes.)
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Ice Fishing Rescue Device 11 15 2020
Ice Fishing Rescue Device 11 15 2020
Let me describe my invention.
It is a ball tethered on a rope; the length of the rope being perhaps 40, 50 or 80 yards or more.
Inside of the ball is a grapling hook hooks hooks are not exposed until one of two things happens.
1. The sensor on the person harnessed to the rope falls in the water and the water activates the grappling hook.
2. The person harnessed to the grappling hook activates the hook barbs.
a, Upon this happening the cleats hold to the ice and the person is able to pull themselves from the ice hole created when they fell through. b. Support/rescue are able to get to the rope and pull the person to safety via it.
The cleat would have to be formed in such a way to grab slick ice.
Also part of this invention might be that there is water or another substance in the ball which is punctured upon the activation of 1 or 2 above and the cleat/anchor freezes to the surface of the ice where it is allowing for a stable bastion.
And this presumes that the person fell through the ice where it is thinner than there previous path steps where the trailing cleat/grappling hooks is located.
© 2020 Thomas Paul Murphy
All rights reserved.
Alternatively the grappling hook could have heat activation whereby it superheats its way through the layer of ice, the cleats deploy outwards from eyelet shaft and catch on the ice rom below the surface of it providing a bastion the Ice Fisherman can pull themselves out with.
Option. There could even be a small electric winch on the cleat, that provides the pulling force.
Thursday, October 22, 2020
American Health Care Humor 10 22 2020
You go to the Doctor and he tells you, "There is nothing wrong with your car."
© 2020 Thomas Murpht
Invention Needed: Orbital Winding jig/device for Guitar Magnetic Pickups 10 22 2020
Invention Needed: Orbital Winding jig/device for Guitar Magnetic Pickups 10 22 2020
If you watch youtube videos of guitar pickups being wound what you see is that the wire breaks a lot of the times.
The way that you could solve this problem is by taking the "cam" action out of the winding device by making it "dual orbital"; whereby the wired being wound is never subject to "Crests" as it is being spun on the pickup. So that the tensile strength of it is never put tot he test. Essentially it means that as the end of the pickup is coming to the twelve oclock wind position that the orbit distance from the spool the wire is being wound from is decreasing. And as the winding is coming to the six oclock position the orbit is moving away from the spool. Thereby achieving constant winding tension.
And perhaps someone already thought of this and that is how they do it in the industry. But are there jibs for the home enthusiast?
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Sport Utility Vehicle Upgrade for Fishermen 03 13 2019
There ought to be a Second Battery Tray on a Sport Utility Vehicle. So that you can take the BATTERY you use for your Electric Trolling Motor out of your boat and Charge it up on the way home with your Sport Utility Vehicle's Alternator!
The sooner you recharge a battery the better it is for the battery. Now it might not charge it up all the way but at least it is a start.
The same could be accomplished via a cable back to the battery from the car. But that would need to be extremely fault tolerant in order to prevent stalls on the highway from a bad connection. A mechanical switch might facilitate it?
And the system could be put in divert mode whereby power to things like the radio and accessories on the car were minimized while it is in charge mode.
Assuming the alternator has enough power to do this.
© 2019 Thomas Murphy
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: How To Engineer a Better OUTBOARD MOTOR WATERPUMP ...
Saturday, January 19, 2019
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Good God how hard would it be? 01 19 2019
Monday, November 12, 2018
Inventions Needed 11 12 2018 Pepper Spray that doubles as the back of a cell phone case
© 2018 Thomas Murphy
Friday, November 2, 2018
Invention Needed A Casting Reel where the level wind system disengages after retrieve and folds out and away from the spool 11 02 2018
Invention Needed A Casting Reel where the level wind system disengages after retrieve and folds out and away from the spool.
This would allow for an open spool free of the level wind system during the cast! Granting longer casts because. 1. There is no friction of the gears as they run the level wind system on cast. 2. There is no interference with the line feeding out by the level wind eyelet.
Ocean surf casting reels operate without a level wind system at all. However the user is required to manually spool the line during retrieve. By using the hand that is holding the rod to guide the line in evenly on the spool. That sounds completely arthritic to me!
But what if the level wind system did that for you and was hinged on the side opposite the retrieve handle? Also the line would come out of the level wind eyelet as the hinge is moved out to the left for the casting position?
It would seem to me to be the best of both worlds.
The button that disengages the spool could also release the level wind bar from the side by the reel handle. Spring loaded it would hinge to the left on a right handed reel and lock in place. Perhaps the level wind eyelet would also separate at the top and move forward before the level wind bar swung to the left. The rest of the cast is the same.
copyright 2018 Thomas Paul Murphy
Another way it could be accomplished is for the level wind eyelet to separate in two and retract down into the bar. Thereby being below the level where the line feeds out on cast.
The level wind eyelet itself could fold downward and lock in place there upon cast. Perhaps always being split on the top of it.
Thursday, July 5, 2018
Invention Needed: Rivet on Feet 07 05 2018
Ever make something? Perhaps a Desk Clock case or something that stands on a table or kitchen counter?
And you ask yourself, "How easy would it be if I could just drill a hole and rivet on a foot for it in two steps?
Rivet on "feet". Would be just that. You would use a rivet gun.
The feet could be made of rubber, Polyurethane or something with felt bonded to it.
Wouldn't that be great?
You could buy a bag of 50 of them from China (or America) for $3.00?
I don't see anything like that on the market today.
They could come in 1/8" and larger 1/4" rivet size.
I riveted a handle onto my metal garbage can with a 1/4" Rivet and it has lasted and looks like it will continue to last. A spot weld didn't.
© 2018 Thomas Murphy
Friday, May 18, 2018
Inventions Needed: Black Holofil and a Belt Loop Flashlight 05 18 2018
Black Holofil would likely be warmer!
A flashlight that you wear on your belt. Makes use of it hands free. Has two belt loops on the back of it. Is made sturdy so it doesn't break. Aluminum back frame. Led Tech.
© 2018 Thomas Murphy
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Inventions Needed: Fixed Barrel Handgun with non contiguous cylinder 03 07 2018
In this type of gun the cylinder would not be a cylinder but rather more like a chain belt or linkage. Whereby the cylinder could hold more cartridges. But the main advantage being that 1. the barrel is fixed and therefore more accurate and 2. that there is no loss of muzzle velocity through blowback recoil.
Indeed the chain cylinder could be fed from a standard magazine. The cylinder could also perhaps just be three cartridges capacity and fed from the magazine. A Four cylinder would seem to be the most ideal as the top cylinder bullet is firing the bottom cartridge is being loaded.
It amazes me why no one has ever perfected this before?
Upon firing a round and cylinder rotation the spend cartridge could be ejected in a downward directional manner.
The 3rd main advantage being that it has a higher capacity than a revolver.
There is also another 4th main advantage to it.
The 5th main advantage would be that this design would also make on of the best known army rifles there is! For the above reasons.
So the search term to look for to see if it has been done before would be "cartridge fed revolver."
© 2018 Thomas Murphy
Looks like it has! The design looks a little clumsy though.
No, that isn't really a magazine fed revolver because it doesn't use standard cartridges and the revolver isn't a cylinder. It is a cylinder with gapped sides. So indeed no one has perfected this.
One would think that it would be a very simple problem to invent one with very few moving parts. Would be a great project for an engineering contest.
I saw an old woman driving in car today. On the back of her car was a sticker or two that indicated she had three advanced engineering degrees. I thought to myself, "There isn't anything that I couldn't design more intelligently than you and engineer better." To me that statement just represents reality. And is indeed supported by my lifetime experience.
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
A Slotted Ball/Cylinder Clevis for Fishing Lures 01 16 2018
This would be a clevis that is either a ball or a cylinder with a slot in it. The spinning blade would fit into that slot which is affixed on the side of the ball cylinder. And those two items would be fitted over and onto the wire shaft of the lure; the hole in the spinner blade aligned with to and over the wire shaft.
Also there could be more than one slot for the accommodation of more than one spinning blade.
Novel interpretations could include a collar that fits over the top to make the blades interchangeable by the user after completion. Such that the hole in the blade fits over the top eyelet screw.
The ball/cylinder could be made from nylon or metal, or other materials with the appropriate material strength parameters.
There could be some slack in the slot in order to facilitate a rattle in conjuction with the blade spinning attraction.
And the downward angle of the slot could be chosen so that different degrees of spin are fixed. Most likely 45 degrees.
The purpose of the invention is to assure that the spinner blade is always spinning during fishing retrieve.
The invention could also include an arm extending from the ball/cylinder with a secure clasp and over-mold to the tip of the spinner blade that has the "eyelet hole" in it.
Patent/ process to be applied for when funded.
© 2018 Thomas Paul Murphy
Thursday, December 14, 2017
Inventions Needed : Marine inline fuel filter that is made strongly of metal and wont pull apart 12 14 2017
To be mounted inline just off the portable gas tank hose.
It would have to also be high flow model with no increase in fuel pump pressure required.
It would save intricate and costly replacement of fuel filter located in the outboard.
I would think a standard clam shell type metal fabricated seam would not be strong enough and eventually wobble/weasel apart.
So this would have to be perhaps a screw on cap to it that has one or more orings and a set screw, it would also have to be tamper resistant. And could or could not incorporate replaceable internal filter elements. Also it should not be so awkward that it causes separation of gas line from tank.
You know come to think of it all marine tanks should likely be made with this feature incorporated into the top of the plastic shell of them. Whereby there are mounting brackets and a fuel filter that is safely housed in all means as mentioned above.
© 2017 Thomas Murphy
One final note, I think that a marine gas can should be made so that a 300 pound man could stand on it. And it should have a flat top with an inset handle.
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Inventions Needed: Novel Electric Trolling Motor 12 05 2017
This would be a trolling motor that would mount to the back of your transom to one side. The housing of it would not be able to turn. However the motor could be lowered or raised to allow better use and efficiency of your Gas outboard or Inboard Outboard.
So how would you turn with an electric that is in a fixed position left and right? Turning would be handled by water channeling through to the propellor. There would be a dampener on each front side of a cylinder that encapsulates the electric motor head. When both both dampeners are open the electric travels straight. When the left dampener is open an underwater Bernoulli effect hydrodynamic would likely be created that channeled the water from the prop more to one side. In effect a vacuum effect.water being drawn in from that side moves the boat in the direction the water is being drawn in from, exactly the same as how a thruster works.
The motor could be controlled by a wireless remote control held in the hand. A dial would control left or right. This type of motor would also serve as a secondary propulsion for shallow water travel such as up a shallow river.
© 2017 Thomas Paul Murphy
Inventions Needed: Novel Electric Trolling Motor 12 05 2017
Friday, December 1, 2017
Inventions Needed: A Roll of Tape that bends to easily form letters for stencil painting over 12 01 2017
Not much I need to say about this. You could use it to form B's, C's, D's R's S's.
Prime something white, wait for it to cure, apply your tape lettering, paint a contrasting color over it, remove tape, and you have just labeled something.
Haven't seen anything on the market like it yet. I won't get credit for it. Instead credit will go to some disingenuous person of the "Burial Group." (Burial Groups were the first Corporations in history?) And the ubiquity of that is how God forsaken our country has become.
© 2017 Thomas Murphy
Originally published on 12 01 2017 at:
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Invention Needed: A DSLR aiming peep hole sight that attaches to the hot shoe of your DSLR Camera 11 22 2017
This would allow you to take pictures of birds flying in the sky and not fall down while doing so. Because you would not have to hold the camera up to your eye to aim, you could hold it away from your face and align the peep hole with the bird and push the shutter button.
The hot shoe of the camera is on top of the camera and can be used to attach accessories. But I have never seen a remote aiming peep hole or rod hole on the top of one.
I would patent this if my mind was distraction free of voices and I was therefore able to. I suppose you think I don't like money? I suppose you think I don't believe one should strive to earn their way as an adult in life? That is what you think of me?
© 2017 Thomas Paul Murphy
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
An OTF knife that sharpens the blade everytime it is deployed 09 26 2017
This could be achieved by having 4 ceramic plates mounted in angled channels in the front of the knife. The channels they are mounted in configured so that the proper sharpening of the double edged blade would be achieved every time the blade is deployed. The ceramic inserts would be spring loaded to ensure that there is pressure applied in order to sharpen the blade with the ceramic inserts.
© 2017 Thomas Murphy
Originally published on 09 26 2017 at:
Saturday, August 5, 2017
Direct Injection Motorcycle 08 05 2017
I always heard the saying loud pipes save lives which is in favor of loud traditional motorcycles. The Police used to ticket people who drove cars that had an exhaust leak and were very loud, they likely still do.
My outboard motor is a Direct Injection 25 horsepower and it is very fast. It is also very quiet!!! It weighs about 160 pounds. I have to wonder how fast it would be in a motorcycle?
But one of the reasons I like it is because it is quiet. I for the life of me don't understand how riding a motorcycle would be any different. To get off of one of those things after it being that loud all day? You have to have a certain degree of deafness. Now tell me this, HOW IS OPERATING A MOTORCYCLE WITH A CERTAIN DEGREE OF DEAFNESS GOOD FOR YOUR LONGEVITY? It doesn't make sense does it. If you need the cars to hear you then you are not operating it defensively as you should.
The real reason you like it loud is because you like to cause trouble? I have to wonder how many motorcycle riders were known to be that type of trouble in their lives?
Also ever go out to the country and someone has put a glass pack loud muffler system on their truck? To me that is terrorizing the neighborhood.
Is a direct oil injection motorcycle even made? It would be less polluting and more energy efficient.
You would have to compare motorcycle accidents on loud bikes versus motorcycle accidents on more quiet bikes. I'll bet you a buck the quiet ones have fewer accidents.
What if every small town in the United States had to have a breakfast house were everyone had to try a hand at working at at some point in their lives? I think that would bring back what America is supposed to be. This would have to occur is a post alcohol world though.
Is a German American really even a German? Are they really an American?
So does anyone make a direct injection motorcycle?
How many car accidents do loud motorcycles cause?
How many shop accidents as the person working on the machine tool is distracted by the noise of one?
How many kids in school are distracted from learning when they hear one going through their neighborhood? Do you want to know something? There is nothing the mentally deficient like better than a distraction in a learning environment!
Main point? How can you get off of a loud motorcycle after a day of riding and not have a pounding headache from the noise of it? Irritable when someone asks you something because you can't hear?
© 2017 Thomas Murphy
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Generator and Alternator Technology 08 02 2017
How much more efficient could a Generator or Alternator be if it was designed to reduce friction from air inside of the Gen/Alt? That would mean smooth surfaces. But it could also mean CREATING A VACUUM inside of the Gen/alt! You would have no air friction what soever or heat from that if you created a vacuum inside of it.
© 2017 Thomas Murphy
Sunday, July 9, 2017
Inventions Needed: Lawn Mower Improvements 07 09 2017
A lawnmower should also have a secondary blower that propels the cut grass from out and under of the "Umbrellla" chamber of the mower. This would allow the mower to maintain blade sharpness. This would allow the motor to stay clean on the underside more readily.
So how would you engineer it?
It could be an offshoot gear off of the main drive. But in any case you want to engineer that blower so that it doesn't require much force from the main power in order to be able to turn it. Perhaps the it diverts no more than 5% away from the main blade.
Have they thought of this already?
It is needed for electric models in order to make them work better in the manner described above.
You really can't channel cut grass like it is in a C pump. Could you create a second c type pump above the main cutting blade? A c pump chamber above the main blade with an impeller inside to accomplish this? Yes. But would that take too much power away? It would have to be engineered not to. But I believe it could be made to provide enough assist to accomplish the above stated goals needing improvement.
© 2017 Thomas Murphy
Originally published at:
As always collect the money for the designs of American minds as if you thought of them yourself and have the products made in China. You don't fool anyone. What a bunch of rats you are.
Inventions Needed: Improved Handgun Design: internal collared ballast on the front of barrel 07 09 2017
The problem with handguns today is that the semiautomatics have a tilt barrel. The barrel tilts upon firing. There are fixed semi-autos available but they are usually heavier and prone to problems.
If you took a fixed barrel blowback gun and added a collared ballast to the front of the barrel....
essentially a slice of a cylinder with a hole in it... and mounted that to the front of the that the gun is configured so that upon firing as the barrel is forced backward... pressure is created in that hollow cylinder behind the ballast that would serve as your recoil reducer, weight reducer and mechanism that ejects and cocks a new round.
Alternatively the collared ballast could be mounted at the rear of the barrel and ride in the "tube" of the slide. So that the slide comes backward and pressure is created in the cylinder.
Either the collared ballast could have an o ring on it or metal spring rings. The back of the slide would have a top vent port or more than one. The decreased blowback allowing for more muzzle velocity and therefore a straighter shot. The fixed in relative position of the barrel leading to straighter shots.
The gun would not need to weigh as much because weight would not be integral to the slide function in this type of blowback.
As always any defects to the gun design would have to be thought out before final production so that it wouldn't be something to be pulled off the shelves, recalled or have no interest in.
Today weight to slide is an integral part of how the mechanism works. There is no reason why you can't have a barrel in a cylinder type arrangement as described above. Gas systems have long been proven with the AR-15 and the AK-47.
There could indeed be more than one collared ballast mounted to the barrel either permanently or using a multi key approach. Also barrel could be of different diameters so that the collared ballast or ballasts screw onto it at different places. There being no gap between them on the length of the barrel because the collared ballasts could be flanged with a smaller diameter on one or both ends serving as a spacer. There could even be one where it is screwed on and then a spring loaded key holds it into that position on the barrel.
Mounted to the front of the barrel you might have a stretching force of the barrel come into play? That could be lessened with more than one collared ballast. Some of which would be narrower. Actually what I am describing could also be engineered to have an integral silencer in the barrel effect, via the gaps between the collared ballast.
It would seem to me that a manufacturer ought to be able to get the tolerances and mechanism of any gun right with regard to the range of powder charges commonly found in ammunition sold for them. But that doesn't hold true into today's manufacturing market. It would seem to me that you create the parameters you need to satisfy to make something and a capable and qualified engineer designer can solve every single one of them in one product with as few moving parts as possible. But again that isn't the standard of the world we live in today.
© 2017 Thomas Murphy
Originally published on 07 09 2017 at:
Sunday, April 2, 2017
Automotive Technology needed: An oil filter with a magnet around the outer circumfrence of it 04 02 2017
This would allow the filter to be more efficient by trapping very fine particles!
© 2017 Thomas Murphy
originally published on 04 02 2017 at:;postID=3412660272434415721
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Auto Design Element Needed a Shelf for the Keys under the Ignition Switch 03 21 2017
They need a shelf under the ignition switch to support the weight of the other keys on the keyring. This would serve two purposes.
1. Prevent the Ingition car key from breaking over time due to repeated metal fatigue from weight stress.
2. Prevent the Ignition switch from needing to be replaced because it would not become as much warn over time.
Isn't it really simple? How come they haven't figured that out in over 100 years? Because it is an Alcohol/retard economy.
© 2017 Thomas Murphy
Friday, March 17, 2017
Department of Defense Invention needed Fan Cooled Standard Issue Kevlar Helmet 03 17 2017
Why on God's Green Earth have they not done this already? A simple fan mounted to the exterior of the helmet, probably 1" x1"x 1/2" with tubes going down under the edge of the helmet and distributing air from the top down inside the helmet?
With soldiers fighting in the heat of the Middle East why didn't they think of this? Perhaps they did but I am not aware of it?
Ever hear the phrase "Cooler heads will prevail?"
Men think in those terms. Women think in terms of how much money can I save or take in my braw strap.
© 2017 Thomas Murphy
Originally published on 03 17 2017 at:
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Invention Needed: A method to create a front gun sight for an AR-15 02 16 2016
By taking a partial cross section of a spent .22LR cartridge shell, drilling a hole in it and placing it on the current sight post with pressure down fitting. Thereby creating a front peep site. A dab of kevlar epoxy on top to further hold it in place.
Alternative the top of the front site post can be down diameter-ed and or threaded and a nut placed on top to hold the peep in place.
Only to be made in case of a national emergency concerning homeland security???
© 2017 Thomas Murphy
Invention Process Needed: A method of coating a gun barrel 02 16 2017
Where by the barrel is coated via being placed in sacrificial jaws that are turned on it, as if held in a vice by them. The sacrificial jaws are the coating material and made of zinc, magnesium, copper, aluminum, brass, or perhaps more expensive metals.
May have unique military applications/ effects.
The jaws can be heated.
Also there can be a fixative agent or process to the coating.
Inexpensive way to achieve a different effect. That effect might be rustproofing or unique finish.
Copyright 2017 Thomas Murphy
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Invention Needed: Leather Stitching Pliers 02 07 2017
A small but strong pair of needle nose pliers that has replaceable polyurethane jaws. This allows one to use the pliers to pull a needle through the leather without as much risk of the hard metal jaws of a regular pliers stressing and breaking the needle.
© 2017 Thomas Murphy
Saturday, February 4, 2017
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Humor 02 04 2017B
Monday, January 9, 2017
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed: Shallow Water Boat Trailer mod...
Friday, December 23, 2016
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed: Semi Automatic Slide Based Hand...
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Sunday, December 18, 2016
What right does a Law Enforcment Officer have to use a Portable X Ray Imagaging system on your house? 12 18 2016
How is dosing a United States Citizen with cancer causing radiation not a violation of their Constitutional rights and a crime against humanity.
How is dosing a U.S. Citizen with cancer causing radiation in this manner not an "unreasonable search and seizure" illegal by the Supreme Law of the Land?
What do you think United States citizens are; some kind of rodents to exterminate?
I just happened to see that on a tv program called Forensics Files.
Copyright 2016 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 12 18 2016 at:
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Invention Needed: Fogproof Eyeglasses 12 18 2016
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Invention Needed:Rifle Barrel Stabilizer 12 07 201...
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Invention Needed: Bubble Pen 12 07 2016
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Invention Needed: Bubble Pen 12 07 2016
Saturday, December 3, 2016
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed Modular Additive Laptop Hard Dri...
Thursday, May 12, 2016
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed: How come not a single pair of h...
Sunday, May 1, 2016
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed A Vortex head pliers that always...
Saturday, April 30, 2016
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Invention Needed: A Three Prong Split Ring/ O-Ring...
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Inventions Needed 03 20 2016
1. A dust pan that has a tab on the back of it that sits level with the floor. So that you can secure the dustpan with your foot while drawing dust back into it with the broom. Good for those with back problems who don't want to stay in that position while sweeping into the dustpan.
2. An easy interface back up camera system for cars with hitches for boat trailers. Whereby when backing up the camera on the back of the boat trailer helps guide you and not the one at the back of the car. Such an interface would work whereby there is another socket back by the trailer hitch on the car. Plug in the trailer lights to one and the back up camera to this one. Whereby once the plug is being used the back up camera viewing monitor automatically defaults to it.
Copyright 2016 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 03 20 2016 at:
Friday, February 19, 2016
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed: Hollow Aluminum Handled Knife ...
Friday, January 29, 2016
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: New AA battery invention needed: a battery that ha...
Saturday, January 9, 2016
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Invention Design Needed: Telescoping Glove Compart...
Thursday, December 24, 2015
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Invention Needed: A battery operated handheld sona...
Saturday, December 5, 2015
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Design elements/inventions needed 12 03 2015
Friday, December 4, 2015
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Design/Invention Elements Needed 12 04 2015
Friday, October 9, 2015
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed: A pipe/tubing cutter with a fi...
Saturday, August 8, 2015
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Invention Design Needed to Market: Semi Circumfere...
Thursday, July 16, 2015
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: What's wrong with the automobile 07 16 2015
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Invention Novel Electronic Servo Motor 04 21 2015
Monday, April 13, 2015
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Business Opportunity All inclusive and comprehens...
Friday, April 10, 2015
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: AK-47 Design Improvement 04 10 2015
Thursday, March 26, 2015
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Gun Invention make a peep sight out of 1" scope ri...
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: How to Lose Weight Business/ Invention Idea 01 27 ...
Friday, January 2, 2015
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed Binocular Design Improvement for...
Monday, December 29, 2014
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Invention Needed Hill Descending Clothe Wings 12 2...
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Invention Needed A Watch that only tells me what d...
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed Celebration Fireworks that shoot...
Thursday, December 18, 2014
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Automotive Design 12 18 2014 Inventions Needed
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Invention Needed Composite Graphite Coated Copper ...
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Invention needed single piece aluminum deer call 1...
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Invention Needed Power Wheeled Snow blower with a ...
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Invention Needed Power Wheeled Snow blower with a ...
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Invention tools needed 09 30 2014
Friday, August 22, 2014
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed 08 22 2014
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed for treatment of disease 08 06 2...
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: The Worm Gear C Clamp Inventions Needed 04 01 2014...
Monday, March 10, 2014
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: The Unsinkable Boat 03 10 2014
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: If they manufactured Lithium AA Rechargeable Batte...
Saturday, March 1, 2014
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed With regard to the quiet lawn mo...
Monday, February 24, 2014
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed: A three layer rifle barrel 02 2...
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed: A three layer rifle barrel 02 2...
Saturday, February 22, 2014
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed The indestructIble head phones! ...
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Experiment of the day 02 04 2014
Saturday, January 18, 2014
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Two Inventions Needed 01 18 2014
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: AK-47 Improvements 01 15 2014
Monday, January 6, 2014
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Invention Needed Electricity Producing Window Blin...
Monday, December 30, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: How to Recycle Particle Board and Plastic Bottles ...
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Relevant Search Term 12 25 2013
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed New Funnel and Funneling Technol...
Monday, December 16, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed 12 16 2013
Sunday, December 15, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed Military Ammo boxes should be ma...
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Shotgun Shell to Hand Grenade Conversion Kit Inven...
Saturday, December 7, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Electric Guitar Design Improvement by Thomas Paul ...
Friday, December 6, 2013
Inventions Needed Boat trailer with second set of fold down wheels
These would be cocking axles that pivot a total of 90 degrees to cock into place. One of them would indeed be considered a spare tire.
This would be a good system to have in place for moving a trailer over soft ground. But also in case one of the bearings, which are prone to water damage, were to fail!
Another invention needed is a re thread kit for an AR-15 with a plastic "upper Receiver" They should never be built with plastic threads! At the very least there should be a brass thread collar formed into that upper receiver! And I am one known to never strip threads!

Musky Watch by ThomasPaulMurphy
See additional Watches online at Zazzle
Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 12 06 2013 at:
Copyright 2013 Thomas Paul Murphy
Monday, December 2, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed Laptop Design Features 12 02 201...
Monday, November 18, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed 11 18 2013
Thursday, October 31, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Business Opportunity Invention Needed 10 31 2013...
Friday, October 25, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed Plywood with insulating layers 1...
Monday, October 21, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed A Mop head that will hold a stan...
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed A Mop head that will hold a stan...
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed: Cord Belt and Broken Tape Measu...
Saturday, October 19, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Mandate Needed 10 19 2013
Monday, October 14, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Two Inventions desperately needed 10 14 2013
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Two Inventions needed not just to keep the evil mi...
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Cost of Ridiculousness 07 03 2013 Update # 2
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Cost of Ridiculousness 07 03 2013
Thursday, June 20, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed White Sacks to hold a gallon of ...
Monday, June 17, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Two Inventions Needed 06 17 2013
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed A Bicycle that turns into a Law...
Monday, June 3, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed: The Hydraulically Shaped Float ...
Sunday, June 2, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed Electric Car Theory 06 02 2013
Thursday, May 2, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed 05 02 2013
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed 04 23 2013
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Business Opportunity for Local Manufacturer 04 16 ...
Sunday, April 7, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed 04 07 2013 GPS and Backup Monito...
Saturday, March 23, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed 03 23 2013
Saturday, March 16, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed ~02 28 2013 Fish Paint
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed B 02 28 2013
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed 03 13 2013
Should all patents represented filed by any patent lawyer who is disbarred
And if that lawyer represented a University all of those patents should be disbarred and any proceeds from them to be transferred to the government to give the poor more food stamps for food only.
Bottom line, you cheated the American economy and you know it!
Copyright 2013 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 03 13 2013 at:
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Two Inventions Needed 03 13 2013
Sunday, March 10, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: They Point Regarding Electric Cars is that they co...
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Saturday, March 2, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed 03 02 2013 Light for Watch Band
Thursday, February 28, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed 02 28 2013 Fish Paint
Saturday, February 23, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed 02 23 2013
Thursday, February 21, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Next Generation Military Assault Rifle Successor t...
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Invention Needed 02 12 2013
Monday, February 11, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed 02 11 2013
Thursday, January 10, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed Swimmers Nose Valve 01 10 2013
Thursday, January 3, 2013
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Invention Needed A system to bill unwanted callers...
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed Ski's for Little Dogs 01 03 20...
Thursday, December 27, 2012
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed: Dry Antibiotic type powder that...
Thursday, December 20, 2012
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed Solar Electric Furnace 12 20 201...
Sunday, December 16, 2012
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed A Simple process to Liquify Drie...
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed: Middle Angled Open Eyelet Leath...
Monday, November 26, 2012
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: KEVLAR EPOXY was the best product to come to the m...
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed Solar Powered Engine block heate...
Sunday, November 25, 2012
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed Backpack feed for AR 15
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed 10 10 2012 Trimmer with 4" cutti...
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed Mag Wave Technology used to defl...
Monday, October 1, 2012
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Common Wealth 10 01 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed A Shotgun that Shoots Arrows 09 ...
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed 09 18 2012
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed 09 18 2012
Thursday, September 13, 2012
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed: Automated ticketing system for...
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed 09 13 2012
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed: A Kiosk CD Printer 09 12 2012
Friday, September 7, 2012
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Two Inventions Needed 09 07 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed A hand dryer for public bathroom...
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: The Stapled up SIKH 08 22 2012
Sunday, July 22, 2012
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed Pressure Wood Treater in a Can
Friday, July 20, 2012
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed Shin guards for the shop worker
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed Pivoting holster you can fire th...
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Invention Needed: Just had a corticosteroid spina...
Saturday, July 14, 2012
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Two Inventions Needed 07 14 2012
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Inventions Needed Spring activated telescoping boat push pole
How many times have you found yourself on a sand bar or in shallow water all too quickly.
Push poles are very inconvenient to store in your boat because they are often as long as the boat is.
What would be great is if you had a telescoping push pole that "telescoped" to about 12 feet long with the push of a button that activated a series of spring latches.
You drift up on a sand bar and quick grab the push pole, extend it and push yourself off the sand bar or through a shallow channel- as it were.
If not handled properly it could be dangerous. So it would never be marketed- but I would want one.
It would be kind of like the Gun and motorcycle helmet type liability. It wasn't the manufacturers fault the user did not exercise extreme care.
Copyright 2012 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 07 12 2012 at:
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed a waterproof body bag for trophy...
Thursday, July 5, 2012
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed Beach Blanket
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: All Bath Tubs should be 7 feet long it should be t...
Monday, May 21, 2012
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed Exterior counter rifled gun barr...
Thursday, May 3, 2012
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed Trailer train solar cell trailer...
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Invention needed standardized captive shop vacuum ...
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed Laser targeting ant killing trap...
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed Solar electric power based purif...
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed Automobile safety belts that spo...
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Two Inventions Needed 05 03 2012
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed Rifle scope with a range finder ...
Thursday, March 29, 2012
The Milwaukee and Wisconsin News: Inventions Needed Trailer train solar cell trailer...
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Inventions Needed: Camera with Digital Tri Level
Also a camera could have a digital readout of the distance it is from the center of the lense to the floor. This would help portrait photographers as they often measure the distance from the ground to the center of a "portrait."
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2012 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 03 25 2012 at: