Saturday, August 5, 2017

Direct Injection Motorcycle 08 05 2017

Direct Injection Motorcycle 08 05 2017

I always heard the saying loud pipes save lives which is in favor of loud traditional motorcycles.  The Police used to ticket people who drove cars that had an exhaust leak and were very loud, they likely still do.

My outboard motor is a Direct Injection 25 horsepower and it is very fast.  It is also very quiet!!!  It weighs about 160 pounds.  I have to wonder how fast it would be in a motorcycle?

But one of the reasons I like it is because it is quiet.  I for the life of me don't understand how riding a motorcycle would be any different.  To get off of one of those things after it being that loud all day?  You have to have a certain degree of deafness.  Now tell me this, HOW IS OPERATING A MOTORCYCLE WITH A CERTAIN DEGREE OF DEAFNESS GOOD FOR YOUR LONGEVITY?  It doesn't make sense does it.  If you need the cars to hear you then you are not operating it defensively as you should.

The real reason you like it loud is because you like to cause trouble?  I have to wonder how many motorcycle riders were known to be that type of trouble in their lives?

Also ever go out to the country and someone has put a glass pack loud muffler system on their truck?  To me that is terrorizing the neighborhood.

Is a direct oil injection motorcycle even made?  It would be less polluting and more energy efficient.

You would have to compare motorcycle accidents on loud bikes versus motorcycle accidents on more quiet bikes.  I'll bet you a buck the quiet ones have fewer accidents.


What if every small town in the United States had to have a breakfast house were everyone had to try a hand at working at at some point in their lives?  I think that would bring back what America is supposed to be.  This would have to occur is a post alcohol world though. 

Is a German American really even a German?  Are they really an American?


So does anyone make a direct injection motorcycle?


How many car accidents do loud motorcycles cause?
How many shop accidents as the person working on the machine tool is distracted by the noise of one?
How many kids in school are distracted from learning when they hear one going through their neighborhood?  Do you want to know something?  There is nothing the mentally deficient like better than a distraction in a learning environment!

Main point?  How can you get off of a loud motorcycle after a day of riding and not have a pounding headache from the noise of it? Irritable when someone asks you something because you can't hear?

©  2017 Thomas Murphy

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