Thursday, October 22, 2020

American Health Care Humor 10 22 2020

 You go to the Doctor and he tells you, "There is nothing wrong with your car."

© 2020 Thomas Murpht

Invention Needed: Orbital Winding jig/device for Guitar Magnetic Pickups 10 22 2020

 Invention Needed:   Orbital Winding jig/device for Guitar Magnetic Pickups 10 22 2020

If you watch youtube videos of guitar pickups being wound what you see is that the wire breaks a lot of the times.

The way that you could solve this problem is by taking the "cam" action out of the winding device by making it "dual orbital"; whereby the wired being wound is never subject to "Crests" as it is being spun on the pickup.  So that the tensile strength of it is never put tot he test.  Essentially it means that as the end of the pickup is coming to the twelve oclock wind position that the orbit distance from the spool the wire is being wound from is decreasing.  And as the winding is coming to the six oclock position the orbit is moving away from the spool.  Thereby achieving constant winding tension.

And perhaps someone already thought of this and that is how they do it in the industry.  But are there jibs for the home enthusiast?

© 2020 Thomas Murphy