Friday, November 2, 2018

Invention Needed A Casting Reel where the level wind system disengages after retrieve and folds out and away from the spool 11 02 2018

Invention Needed A Casting Reel where the level wind system disengages after retrieve and folds out and away from the spool 11 02 2018

Invention Needed A Casting Reel where the level wind system disengages after retrieve and folds out and away from the spool.

This would allow for an open spool free of the level wind system during the cast!  Granting longer casts because. 1.  There is no friction of the gears as they run the level wind system on cast.  2.  There is no interference with the line feeding out by the level wind eyelet.

Ocean surf casting reels operate without a level wind system at all.  However the user is required to manually spool the line during retrieve.  By using the hand that is holding the rod to guide the line in evenly on the spool.  That sounds completely arthritic to me!

But what if the level wind system did that for you and was hinged on the side opposite the retrieve handle?  Also the line would come out of the level wind eyelet as the hinge is moved out to the left for the casting position?

It would seem to me to be the best of both worlds.

The button that disengages the spool could also release the level wind bar from the side by the reel handle.  Spring loaded it would hinge to the left on a right handed reel and lock in place.  Perhaps the level wind eyelet would also separate at the top and move forward before the level wind bar swung to the left.  The rest of the cast is the same.

copyright 2018 Thomas Paul Murphy

Another way it could be accomplished is for the level wind eyelet to separate in two and retract down into the bar.  Thereby being below the level where the line feeds out on cast.

The level wind eyelet itself could fold downward and lock in place there upon cast.  Perhaps always being split on the top of it.